NAEA Professional Code for Art Education Associations of States and Provinces
This Professional Code represents a formal endorsement and enhancement of the professional partnership existing among the national and the state/provincial art education associations.
May 16, 2019
The Professional Code for Art Education Associations of States and Provinces is a declaration of the common philosophical and professional beliefs and practices which unite the National Art Education Association with art education associations of states and provinces and which also serve to link the various state/provincial art education associations to one another nationally and internationally. This Professional Code represents a formal endorsement and enhancement of the professional partnership existing among the national and the state/provincial art education associations.
Professional partnerships encourage a relationship of interdependence. Art education associations of states and provinces and the NAEA contribute to and draw on the strengths and resources of the other. A national association, by virtue of organization, geography, resources and accessibility can offer a broader range of expertise and opportunities than any individual state or province. State/provincial associations both contribute to this body of knowledge and use it to tailor to their own programming on the state/provincial and local levels. The national associations and the greater whole of art education are strengthened by strong state and provincial associations.
Professional partnerships are vital to the development of individual art educators and the state/provincial and national associations through awareness of and links to the people, expertise, knowledge and standards in art education that exist in many places throughout the states and provinces. Shared knowledge and resources are important to the delivery of quality art education.
Professional partnerships strengthen bonds already existing among the state, provincial and the national associations. We have philosophical and professional beliefs and practices which are the reasons we exist. Our mutual aims and goals relate directly to our desire for the highest degree of quality art education.
These professional partnerships mean that we, as state/provincial associations, will undertake specific activities which will support our partnership with the National Art Education Association and other art education associations of states and provinces, encourage strong programs for our membership and contribute to the delivery of quality art education.
Minimum expectations of any state/provincial art education association is professional partnership with other art education associations include:
- Promoting art as a basic discipline in the education of all students.
- Working to improve the quality of art education.
- Advocating art instruction by certified art teachers.
- Fostering art instruction that includes the study of aesthetics, art criticism, art history and art production.
- Contributing to a national and international forum for the advancement of knowledge in art education.
- Sharing information and resources, when feasible, with the National Art Education Association and other state/provincial associations.
- Maintaining regular communications with the National Art Education Association board and the appropriate regional vice president.
- Developing and carrying out a management plan appropriate to the state’s or province’s own needs.
- Including the organizational structure sufficient officers to assure proper and adequate representation for all of their members and to carry out the business of the associations.
- Filing copies of their constitution, publications and officer and staff list with the National Art Education Association office. Any revision to the constitution or list of officers will be filed within 30 days after the revision takes place.
- Communicating with the state/provincial membership on a regular basis and through three or more publications a year.
- Conducting an annual business meeting.
- Providing their membership with opportunities for professional development through workshops or conferences.
- National Art Education Association convention and supporting financially their delegate(s) to the fullest extent of their ability.
Adoption: Developed by the States Assembly Ad Hoc Committee and approved by National Art Education Association Board of Directors, September 26, 1987, Motions #14, #15.
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